I made it through Friday with little trouble, except for a Sheriff's Deputy making a fairly discriminatory comment to my supervisor about me at felony arraignments in the afternoon (you think I let that fly? I took care of it...). I had been texting with the Wicked guy much of the day, and at about 5pm he let me know that he could get me a main floor ticket for about $80. I totally dont have the money to blow right now, but I convinced myself that it would be worth it. I am so very very glad that I did.
I had the best tickets I have ever had for a big show. Ever. Row J, center section, main floor. For those of you counting, thats 10 rows back. The show was exuberant and wonderful. I could write an entire entry just about how incredible the whole thing was. It's vibrant and the music is creative without trying too hard and the story manages to connect you with the characters without being oppressive about it. We saw a stand in for Elphaba (the wicked witch) who blew our socks off. I cant imagine a better performance, and was astounded when I found out that she was an understudy. Her vocals were flawless. At the end of one song, she sustained a low note that just made my jaw drop. The actor playing Galinda had also added some movements to the choreography which simply made the show. And it was so fun to have someone to watch, as my new friend was in almost every scene.
One song about whether there is any truly altruistic act or only hiddenly selfish acts that have positive external and internal results. Reminds me of a debate I had in college with a fight choreographer.
Overall, the show made me remember how much I miss the theater world. Being caught up in something so overtly positive and mirthy. It exudes so much good karma into the world. I miss being a part of that. For better or worse, the world I work in currently is a bit darker: crime and punishment does not make for many moments of laughter (although we certainly try).
After the show, (Wicked) took me backstage and showed me everything. I had a million questions, and I saw how everything worked, poked at the costumes, figured out where the trap doors are and everything. Saw his dressing station... It was probably could not have been more honored. Then we went out for a late dinner and drinks. Talked and talked. On my end, I guess I couldnt figure out why he was into me... Call it low self esteem, but I wonder if he just wanted someone to talk to, because at a certain point it because clear that we were not going to be going home together. (which, while a tad disappointing, helps me to hope that we will continue to have a dialogue as friends, which rarely happens after you sleep with someone random). Then I took him to Krave, where we danced for just a bit before he decided to go to a party that he felt compelled to attend. I couldnt tell if I was getting the blow off or whatever, but at that point I didnt much care... I couldnt have enjoyed my night more. (Wicked) had given me one of the most romantic evenings of my life, perhaps without even trying. While I havent been lacking in the "getting laid" area of my life, it has been easily a year since a good solid romantic night. (think Mo's Steak with Mitchell and then moonlit walk along Lake Michigan). Sometimes it is just nice to connect with someone on that level, even if the tragedy is that he is already onto another city. He talked about how its actually hard to make connections with people too given the life he leads, so I can only hope that the night felt as nice to him as it did to me.
Funny enough, when he left he was going to a party that he felt I couldnt come to because some of the people there would be too cruel to me. The drama types that thinks its fun to make fun of outsiders or something. I tried to impress upon (Wicked) that I am can dish it out as well as I can take it, and am not one to be easily daunted, but he "didnt want me to think less of him." I dropped it and let him go. It was an interesting end to the evening though, because after being filled with such longing to return to the theater world during the show, afterwards hearing all the drama and narcissism and relative cruelty of some of the "theater people" I remember why I left it behind. To have someone tell me that he thinks I couldnt put up with it for a night only reminded me how truly hard it can be to deal with.
I am going out with Anthony in a little while, so Im gonna have to finish the rest of this tomorrow. This is getting long anyway.
Musical Fodder for my Writing:
"Alejate" Josh Groban,
Josh Groban
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