I woke up this morning to a gray and drizzly day. Perfect for the day of work I had ahead of me. I had slept well, and was on my way to getting done some of the Sunday work I had to do when I got hit with a (Mitchell) moment. It has been months since I have had one. I broke up with him nearly a year ago, and I had thought I was over these sort of emotional lapses. Apparently not. Perhaps it was the fall-ish weather that I was seeing, or the idea of settling into another school year of hard work and virtually no dating opportunities, but I got suddenly heartwrenchingly lonely.
On the plus side, I had hidden the photos of (Mitchell) so well that it took me a full 20 minutes to find them. But find them I did. Shit.
There is nothing quite so humbling as to be reminded of your own emotional ineptitude in the middle of all that is going on in your life. I live in a very controlled world, with a lot of controlled things to do, and not a whole lot of variables to throw me off. I kinda like it that way. And to have something from over a year ago still make me feel like I was pushed into highway traffic is truly a reminder of my own humanity.
So, I listened to some music, teared up a little, then made my way to my Cite check for the Law Journal. And if I didnt hate my life before...
From 11am till 4pm I was busy with the mind-wrenchingly painful and meticulous task of finding and correcting errors in Law Journal articles. It actually took my mind off my emotional turmoil of the moment, and I work with some stellar people, so I cant complain too much, but it does suck a lot. I got one article done, with only one more to do next weekend. I guess that's progress.
After a short nap at home I felt better. Sarah and I made our way to the Nickel Creek concert on St. Harriet Island. For those of you who dont know, Nickel Creek is easily one of my favorite bands ever, and this was my third or fourth time seeing them. I actually have one of the guitar picks from the first concert I went to. Im very proud, as I managed to fight off a crowd for it, and, in particular, push over an old man to get it. This concert was even more important to me as it will probably be my last chance to see this band before they split up next year (as was nnounced earlier on their fan listserve--yes, Im that big a fan) (interestingly, for the first time I have seen them there was visible/audible tension between Chris and Sarah. Interesting...) Anyway, the concert was amazing. It was outside, and a bit chilly, but their music was phenominal as always. Sara Watkin's voice is like honey melting into the breeze. Chris Thile had a ton of energy, which always makes their shows a blast. Anyway, I loved it, and grinned like a child the entire time. What a great way to distract myself.
Then, after the concert, I managed with some effort to get the pick SIGNED!!! Chris Thile came over and scribbled on it, and I was giddy like a school girl. Now I just have to figure out what to do with the pick: braid it into my hair, have it embedded into my skin? I seriously love this band that much.
It was an amazing end to an otherwise rather crappy day, and I was very glad to have the companionship of Sarah at the concert and afterward. Definitely helps.
Okay, to bed. Need to update later about Duluth, school, the first bar review, OUTLaw, my newest crush, margaritas at work, and all sorts of other fun stuff.
"Somebody More Like You" ARTIST,
Why Should the Fire Die
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