Just got back from a political function which served as a great networking opportunity with my law school mentor. Fun to meet all sorts of new people, most of whom were very well connected. As a matter of fact, I started speaking with the owner of the bar hosting the function, and he kinda offered me a job. We just got into talking about bar life, and my experiences, and how much I miss it, and he said that he could use someone to fill spots occassionally. God, that would be a blast! I feel like I would be a bit daunted by the skill of the other bartenders at this place, but it would certainly be a lot of fun. Ill just have to see what comes of it. SWEET!
I spent about 10 hours in the office this weekend trying to bring my life back to some semblance of normality after focusing so diligently on the Halloween party. And last night I went to the office Halloween Party. I had quite a good time, and while I felt some seperation from some of the attorneys simply by the fact of my age, I ended up hanging out with the younger crowd and getting along just fine. They even got me to sing Karaoke! I havent done that since I lived in Venezuela! (thats about 6 years Ive been able to get away with not singing Karaoke)
Wow... I keep coming back to the prospect of bartending. Thrilling!
"Stay" Small Sins,
Small Sins
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