A lot of people dwell on how painful law school is. "Run while you can." "The Beatings will Continue Until Morale Improves..." While I understand the frustration that is the source of such warnings, I dont think it helps anyone. So here are my own words of wisdom:
You will only be as miserable as you make yourself.
The best advice that I received going into law school was "Dont let other's stress become your own." And truly, that is half the battle. For those of us (all law students) who are used to being at the top of the class, it can be grueling to feel yourself compared (on a forced curve even) with students who are definitively smarter than you. So let it go. It doesnt matter anyway. Some of the students I know who spent the most time in the library were the ones who did poorest, whether through mental break-down or simple overstudying.
Sooo... Learn to balance, enjoy yourself... You'll make it. Perhaps you'll even have some fun along the way. I spent a good portion of yesterday trying to relate similar messages to the 1Ls at my own school, and I can only hope that they were listening.
"Dancing Through Life" Original Broadway Cast,
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