"How does a gay guy pick up another gay guy at a straight bar?"
I LOVE straight bars. If I had my druthers, I would never set foot in a gay bar. But as it turns out, I'd never ever get laid that way. I was out with some buddies on Friday at a straight bar and had a truly engaging discussion about Crime and Punishment, the War in Lebanon, and some other rather intriguing issues. I cant tell you the last time I had a conversation of any substance beyond, "He's hot." "Yeah, he is." at a gay bar (actually it was October, when I met some new friends at Boom for showtune night, but that hasnt happened in months). But this entry isnt about me hating gay bars, its about me prefering straight bars.
EXCEPT ... how the hell do you pick up someone without getting your ass kicked in the process? At one point last night, a guy walked by and held eye contact with me for an extremely long time. Killer handsome. And in watching him closely, I was able to figure out that he plays for my team (I think). So now what. Technically he made the first move by holding eye contact, so it is now up to me. "Your line..."
Maybe its a bit of internalized homophobia that I am not comfortable walking up to someone and saying, "Hey, you're cute, and I was wondering if you happen to be gay." I mean, if I truly believe there is nothing wrong with being gay, NOONE should ever be insulted by such an approach. But I see great potential for ass-kicking there. I mean even last night I was outside having a cigarette when three guys come out. The last of the three looks at the other two and says, "You're gay, and you're gay," so as to chide them for some sort of misdeed. As I was standing there, I said, "And Im gay..." in a rather, "your point being?" way. The guy looks at me and says, "Oh, its cool." Gee, I think, thanks for your approval. After insulting me to my face, I was really hoping that you would tell me that you're not going to attack me too.
On that note, however, I would prefer to deal with that sort of ignorance, than the ignorance that seems to pervade the "youngest" gays. Ive written on that before.
So once again: Ive found a guy who's cute, potentially gay, and has made first contact. Now what? One of life's mysteries.
"Dandy Life" Collective Soul,
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