And I always wonder which came first... It seems like every time I find myself coupled up with someone, guys swarm like bees. Is it that I am more confident when I know I have someone to come home to? Perhaps. Is it that I'm not giving guys the "please sleep with me" look? Could be. I really don't see either of those things though.
Friday night, I got a "booty call" which I had to pleasantly reject. Last night, I had guys buying me drinks, was offered a job at the bar, and then at the end of the night when I was passed out on a friend's sleeper sofa after an after-bar bonfire, some guy tried to crawl into bed with me. All very flattering. But why doesn't this stuff happen when I'm single? Seriously, I can go through crazy "dry spells," and not have a gay man in the world look at me. Then I'm off the market and *poof* desirable. What's with that?
Maybe the lesson is that I need to forever operate as though I do have a boyfriend. Who knows.
"Frozen Foods" Quietdrive,
Unknown Album
Tried it. It doesn't work. Pretending you have a boyfriend when you don't - it's like pretending to talk on the phone when no one is there - people can sense the difference. I blame pheromones.
on the contrary my dear Billie, this trick has worked for me on multiple occasions. just stop talking about your "other" girlfriend/boyfriend as if shes Jenifer Lopez or Brad Pitt and all will go smoothly. use real life situations with real life fake arguments between your real life fake lover, and you will have the listener almost ripping your clothes off by the end of the night. ok that might be a little exaggerated, but i think i got my point across.
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