* Having a road race at 105 mph the moment I crossed over the Illinois border
* Listening to the absolutely AMAZING new Coldplay CD, Viva la Vida (I don't even like Coldplay!)
* Rolling into town, getting frustrated with parking, so just illegally parking long enough to grab a beer at my favorite spot, Roscoe's.
* Hanging out with my oldest friends in the world, Pete and John
* Laughing til I cried with my lil sis about Arrested Development quotes
* Eating a crazy good thai lunch with the aforementioned sister and admiring everything she has learned about child rearing
* Cooking a rather nice dinner on the grill and then throwing a dance party at Justine's place
* Helping certain friends get laid/find new dates ;-)
* Listening to Justine go on an on about Warren Buffet and Mars and wondering if I was the only crazy one who didn't think purchasing a planet was a good idea
* Staying out til 4:45 am and then walking a 1/2 block back to Justine's fantastic place
* Getting Mojitos at 12:30 in the afternoon and watching the Gay ROTC and Kimberly Locke with my two favoritest people in the world
* Wondering "Would it look too gay if I danced?" And then remembering that I was at Pride... In Chicago... At the Kimberly Locke concert...
* Taking a "gay break" and watching Wall-E with the only person who could truly enjoy it with me
* Spending a relaxing night in to rest for the following morning... asleep 15 minutes into the movie
* Experimenting with eggs on the grill, then eating a fantabulous brunch (try sweet-potato hash-browns some time, they're killer!)
* Catching up with D and remembering some things never change. Which is awesome.
* Seeing Kim's new hair!!!
* Screaming at the Log Cabin Republicans "You're all F'ing Idiots"
* Dancing in the rain (a little Salsa with D, a little Cha Cha Slide) during the parade delays
* Seeing Kim do a Marilyn Monroe
* Eating egg rolls that some random stranger offered me because Chicagoans are AWESOME! Amazing!
* Float-hopping with some amazing chick in a purple wig
* Sitting on the ground with a couple pot-smokin drag queens as cops strolled by
* Arriving back in Minneapolis to a friend who knows exactly what I need to hear. I'll miss you Joshie!
* Coming home to find a guilt-ridden note from my aunt "Remember to cultivate loving relationships with all the people who love you. Accomplishments in this life are worth nothing if you can't share them with the people you love." I couldn't agree more! Thank you to all my wonderful Chicago friends!
"Strawberry Swing" Coldplay,
Viva la Vida