I havent written in a while, not because there hasnt been much going on, but more because so much has. I will update later today after I get back from court. But first:
I know a bunch of you are from Wisconsin. I have this fancy Sitemeter thing now that shows me generally where you are all from. Thanks for reading. I love my beer and cheese state. I consider it very much a second home.
The Pioneer Press printed an article on Monday about the marriage amendment that is on the ballot in Wisconsin this fall. This stuff makes me so incredibly sad. It is hard not to take it personal. This movie short somewhat sums up the frustration.
So here is what I am asking: Do something. If not for yourself, do it for me. I am thinking about taking a field trip with some Wisconsinite friends into one of the western cities of WI one of these weekends to do some door-to-door campaigning. Please figure out someway to help, and make it happen. Here is the main website for the NO campaign: FairWisconsin.com. This is SO important. Courts have stopped invalidating these amendments, so if this passes, it will be around for a very very long time.
Thank you. I know you'll take this stand with me.
"Actually It's Darkness" IdleWild,
100 Broken Windows
I just spent the weekend with a friend who was taking time off from his job (sign language interpreter) to work against the amendment. He is doing some good work, and putting his energy into the right place right now.
I just had to tell you the marriage amendment makes me SO ANGRY. I just can't stand the argument that gay people wanting to marry ruins the sanctity of marriage. My ass, it does. It makes my blood boil. I've written about it here, as PA is also trying to pass it.
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