Friday, February 02, 2007

Long week..

It's Friday night, and I'm still in my apartment, still in my pajamas from last night. This recuperation day was much needed.

This week was truly truly draining. Seems like I was just barely able to keep my head above water. Along with a night out with the Professor on Monday, my computer meltdown on Tuesday (Toshiba sucks! Toshiba sucks! Toshiba sucks!), and having to buy a new computer on Wednesday, last night I had to deal with some homophobic asshole who tried to pick a fight with me at Bar Review. Oh, the gems that St. Thomas attracts.

Sooo... It's a night in for me. I can get back to the work and play tomorrow. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ey Chris, esto de leer tus blogs en mi oficina mientras no quiero hacer nada de trabajo es interesante, así practico un poco el inglés que se me está olvidamdo y conozco un poco más de tí... esta ha sido una real semana larga que ladilla, no veo la hora en irme a Caracas y dormir hasta el lunes, voy a seguir leyendo para distraerme y que el tiempo se me vaya más rápido... beshote, ron.