Wednesday, December 24, 2003

Merry Christmas to All! (emails from abroad)

Well, this is probably going to be the first of many group emails in the near future. As most of you know, I am going to be in Spain this next semester, and I am leaving for this grand adventure in 5 days. Wow. This last semester flew by faster than I ever could have imagined, and now I am just decompressing a little before I start my trip.

So this was my Junior Semester. I kicked butt academically, and made some good money, working three jobs most of the semester, trying to save for Spain. I was waiting, bartending, and of course Tour Guiding. I learned a lot, and a lot about myself. I was part of a planning team for a weekend long service retreat for Sophmores, and it really couldnt have gone better. We had a tremendous team, and a lot of fun (learned a little too). I also received a generous scholarship from the Cream City Foundation for my journalism work in the field of gay/lesbian issues. That is always nice. I had to then say goodbye to many wonderful friends and a University that I now consider a true home, so I packed my van to the brim (Thank God for Justine!!!) and with tears in my eyes, left my little Milwaukee apartment for a while.

Now I am at home in Michigan for precious little time, trying to squeeze in moments with Carey (who is now swim team captain) and my father (who will be completing his masters in July). We have had a wonderful Christmas so far, and at mass tonight the priest reminded us to see Christmas "through the wonder of a child's eyes," and really take in the awesomeness of Christ's birth. It was a powerful message.

I fly out of Chicago on Jan. 1 to Amsterdam, arriving the next day. I have a hostel there for a couple of days, and dont need to be in Madrid until the 10th, so who knows? I am just gonna let the spirit guide me. I will be studying there until May 31, and then hopefully I will intern with the State Dept. in either Madrid, London or France until August. That's all kinda up in the air though.

I will be updating every once in awhile about my adventures through these mass emails. I apologize if they seem impersonal, but I suck at emailing, so please dont feel you ever need to respond to these emails, because I likely wont get back to you for months. Do keep me in your thoughts and prayers, and for those of you at Marquette, make sure to watch over MY university for me while I am gone. ;-) I miss you and love you all,

Merry Christmas

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