Wednesday, November 01, 2006

New Heroes

As busy as I have been this week, I have found new heros who have brought me inspiration and hope for America.

First, Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass) was on the Bill Maher show this last week and if you have iTunes, you really should subscribe to the Bill Maher podcast just to listen to his arguments. He was perhaps one of the most well articulated voices I have heard in politics in a very long time. Favorite part: "Scalia just went into a dither" when we decriminalized gay sex.

Secondly, and on a (perhaps) less partisan note, watching the great dignity with which Michael J. Fox presented himself in the Katie Couric interview was truly inspirational. Here is a man who could, with all rights and with the support of every reasonable American rip Rush Limbaugh a new asshole for his disrespect and audasity, but rather he focused on the issue at hand: stem cells and on his own personal struggle. He took the high road, and Im sure that was not easy. As someone wh ooften gets dragged into the dirt by opposition opinions, I find Fox's conduct to be amazing and inspirational.

What a wonderful view, "You get in your life very few chances to make a difference. If these are the circumstances that make that possible, like I said, I'm grateful for it."

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