Sunday, February 12, 2006

The return of the Make-Out Slut

Im Back!

For whatever reason I wasnt scheduled at work this weekend (getting laid-off?) so I decided to take full advantage of the rare occasion and went and gay-ed it up Friday and Saturday nights. Friday I met up with a kick-ass friend from college who I hadnt seen in awhile, and she and I had probably a half-dozen drinks at the Lodge (there was a $2 drink special till 10pm) and then we went to the Saloon. None of my law school friends are willing to go to the gay bars with me, so I was ecstatic to find a friend to go there with. She was nothing short of fabulous. Anyway, I havent had that much fun just letting loose and dancing in ages. I really havent gotten to do that since I left Milwaukee. It felt fantastic. And I ended up making out with a school-teacher. Yeah.

I dealt with my hangover yesterday by grocery shopping with a friend and then an Ikea run (first time for me... not all that big a fan) with my roommate. Then a three hour nap to join up with a new friend and walk (yck) to the Gay 90's. This was my first time there while it was all open. It was actually quite a lot of fun. We watched drag for a bit and he showed me around, I bumped into a friend from work, then we went to the Saloon. Last night it was a bit too muscley for my taste (thats an entry for another day), and packed to the brim, but still way fun. Then went to an afterbar where I ended up making out with a new friend. Fun times.

Its really funny, because I feel like I have regained a part of myself in the last 48 hours. I needed this weekend of gayness SO bad, I felt like I was slipping into this lonely depression from feeling like there was just no potential in my life. A couple nights out, and I feel awesome again. In fact, I have not been this comfortable with the break-up since it happened. I need to make sure I do this more.

As for the rest of life, my computer is back to me, and seems to be in good shape. If nothing else the screen looks better. I got rejected from my MJF clerkship applications, but had a great interview with the Hennepin County Public Defender's office. Worst case scenario: I take classes this summer and actually get a chance to see the sun.

Classes are kinda lame, but I just havent been focusing on them at all. Im wondering if Im going to get my butt kicked in Midterms. Ehh... I'll deal. Last weekend I went to Chicago and had an incredible time with Justine and Will, and Justine even got a date out of the whole thing. Atta-girl! Im feeling like the planets are aligned again, I am back to myself, and ready for this week. Nice!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't room with anyone less than short of fabulous ;)
If everything falls into place... I, too, will be rocking the twin cities.
I am glad that you are back to being yourself - I can definitely identify with what you were feeling.
