Saturday, March 18, 2006

The week of getting let down... and yet...

Well, Happy St. Patrick's Day! I have been lit now for about 24 hours, so the Irish blood in my body seems wholly sated and satisfied.

Its interesting. I just got off the phone with my new drinking buddy who mentioned that he would miss me while Im gone on Spring Break. That actually means a lot. Even though this guy has only known me for about a month, he appreciates me enough to say something like that.

This last week I have had some friends let me down. One friend didnt want to drive through the snow so wreaked all sorts of havok on my travel plans. Another friend expected me to be at her social beck-and-call and completely disregarded me. The guy I was starting to date kinda blew me off disrespectfully. And yet...

And yet I have these "other" friends: friends who are not at my school or in my old social networks. I guess I am used to people enjoying me for the massive amount of people I know and the connections I have, and that just isnt the case here yet. So then you find out who your friends really are: the ones who take care of you, listen to you, just be with you regardless of the social scenario. Anyway, this week felt way better because I have been able to end it out with those sort of people around me. Thanks guys.

Tomorrow I fly out to Chicago to hang with the old crew from College, some high school friends, my sister, and then see my grandparents. Should be fun. Wish me a safe trip!

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