Friday, September 30, 2005

Ummm... What a week

Yes Brett, an update has indeed been in store. Especially given the new circumstances.

Something that I failed to document during the relationship strife I dealt with last weekend was the fact that I got home Tuesday night and discovered that about $200 worth of my boxed DVDs were missing. (actually, some were Mitchell's, but nonetheless). I confronted my roommate, and he claimed no knowledge of how they had disappeared. The best he could come up with was, "Maybe I left my door unlocked." Whatever. I made it very clear that as he was the only person home over the weekend, he was responsible for recovering the loss.

The next day, I came home to find that and additional $200 worth of DVDs were missing since the day before. What???

After I talked with my landlord about my options, I was on the elevator back up, and hit the 17 button for my floor. A fairly dingy looking man asked me if I was the lawyer in 1709. I hesitantly confirmed, since i am not really a lawyer (yet). Anyway, this guy knew all sorts of stuff about my apartment and told me that he had been over during the weekend. Hmmmm.... He told me he would stop by later because he had something to tell me. Odd, but whatever.

About an hour later, I am trying to get in a nap before buckling down for mid-term studies, when this guy "Danny" knocks on the door. He claims that my roommate pawned my DVDs off for drugs on Saturday and that he knows the guy that can get them for me, if I have $40 I can bring along. So I scoop up my cash, and follow this guy downstairs. He is telling me that he lives with his brothers here in 1409, and that he just felt bad that my stuff got taken. Gee, what a nice guy.

So I follow "Danny" outside, and he asks for my phone to call the guy who has my stuff. He starts trying to edge me down the sidewalk further and further away from the building, and I start feeling totally sketch about the situation. At that point I saw another guy from my floor, flagged him over, and asked him to accompany us. He befuddledly assented. At this point "Danny" starts wigging out that I dont trust him and that I should just call the cops. I get my phone back, go inside and do just that.

While waiting for the hour or so for the cops to show up, the guys from 1409 come down, tell me that "Danny" doesnt live with them, but that he had convinced one of them to take him to the CD Warehouse on Lake St. and sell the DVDs in his name. Hmmm.... So essentially this confirms that Danny was luring me away from the building and trying to shrift $40 from me. Shady for sure.

Meanwhile, I pay for maitenance to make an emergency lock change to my apartment, and call my roommate at his work and tell him he is no longer welcome there. Whether he sold my DVDs for drugs (2x) or he just let this Danny guy into the apartment and failed to notice as he walked off with ARMLOADS of DVDs (2x) (along with a UWM sweatshirt that belonged to the roommate) I really dont care. I somehow got involved in this drug scheme, and I am not up for that. In fact I am very much out. I had warned the roommate against this sort of behavior, and here I am $400 worth of stuff stolen, and not feeling real empathetic for my roommate. EVERYONE had warned me against living with him, and I had given him a fair shot. But thats all he gets.

Anyway, the cop shows up, and doesnt care much about the details of what has just happened. For him, he saw this as "property removed while under care of roommate," not giving any thought to the coke addict that had just tried to screw me or the fact that my goods were now sitting at the CD Warehouse (more on this later). He advised me NOT to throw the roommates stuff on the street, and not to expect any further help from the police in this matter, as it was small potatoes to them. Great.

At this point I was surrounded by about 6 good friends from the law school. I love these people. They are totally willing to be there for me in a way that I had to work very hard to achieve in undergrad. Even then, I really only felt like i could consistently call on only a few people, and you know who you are.

Since this all went down, I have been trying to restore order. The roommate just picked up the rest of his stuff, seemed nice enough, though understandably cold. I hope things work out well for him, and I hope that we can still be friends when all is said and done.

I went with a friend to the CD Warehouse yesterday, found the box sets on the shelves, brought them forward with the police report, and had them look up the intake records. Turns out that they had received ALL of the DVDs that I was missing in the last four days. One of the intakes was indeed from the guy in 1409. Hmmm... Seems like a pretty solid string of evidence, huh? Well, they won't turn over my DVDs until the cops come and get them, and the cops won't come and get them because they dont care. Hmmm... That sucks. Fortunately I am insured, so it is simply a matter of getting (Mitchell) and a few friends to verify that I had these specific DVDs in my possession.

Oh, and CD Warehouse? That's shady right there. Whatever. I am over this stuff. This week has been incredibly DRAMA, and I am looking forward to life stabalizing a bit. I am looking forward to the apartment stabalizing, my relationship stabalizing, and just getting to the work at hand. This was kinda a kick in the pants to motivate my prayer life, which it has done, but I am ready for some calm. Thank God for a loving and patient boyfriend to listen to me rant through this stuff. Thank God for friends both new and old who talked with me and stayed with me and let me eat their chinese food when I was scared to go back to my own apartment. Thank God for family who will always understand and will always side with me on all my problems.

Well, that's my update. The next two weeks starting Monday are solid midterms, but life is more normal now, so I guess we can just pressume that my life has returned to its normal boring stasis (seriously no complaints at this point).

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