Friday, December 09, 2005

The Short Version

When I was 17 and in the Faith Reformed Youth Group, I went on a mission trip to Canada. I was dealing with a WHOLE lot of issues, among them this part of me that everyone said was wrong. At service one night, a pastor called us up to received the gifts of the spirit. He asked us to come and give ourselves completely to God.

I went up front and prayed. "God, take this from me. If it is evil, I will fight it, but tell me that this is a fight that you need from me."

In that moment I got hit with wave after wave of chills, and a feeling of peace that I long for to this day. I had given myself up to God, asked him to fix me, but instead, he filled me with Peace. A Peace that helped me to know that I was okay. That God didnt need this fight from me.
The problem, however, arose when that same youth group kicked me out some months later. They were sure that I had misinterpreted my message from the spirit.

At least, sure enough to kick a teenager out of their church.

1 comment:

Bebe said...

I found your blog randomly searching in lieu of continuing to work on law school applications. I enjoyed lazily browsing it, and this entry is particularly beautiful. Good luck with your studies and socials.
