Saturday, September 16, 2006

This Alcohol paid for by the Minnesota State Government

So. Alcohol is one of the only things that keeps law students sane. That is a well proven, infallible truth. It allows us to flush out the mental anguish of a semester/week/day/morning without the psychoanalysis that would surely only serve to crush our spines with additional debt. But my alcohol usage is now measurable on another level: economic.

I am still working as a clerk at my government job from the summer. I love it, but I am now half-time at government pay, which doesnt come out to all that much. Nonetheless, I got paid this last Friday and was happily looking forward to the added bump in my financial fitness.

I went to go check my statement this morning, and saw no change from earlier this week. "Hmmm... That's wierd," I think to myself. I go to see what's up.

Yep, I got paid.


Turns out that in the last 5 days or so, I have drank enough to nullify this week's paycheck. That's a lot of beer. Granted, I threw a party last night, and am on a Social Committee charged with pulling off all the school's many parties (which can also get expensive), but that's still a lot of beer.

Good thing: Im not drinking myself into indebtedness.

Bad thing: Well, I really dont see a downside here, actually. I cant possibly think of anything more worthwhile or valuable for me to spend my money on right now, so rock on, I guess. I'll just have to remember to thank the State of Minnesota for funding my binge drinking. (looks like Pawlenty missed that when he was "balancing the budget... hahahaha... sucker)

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