Wednesday, February 02, 2005

getting it done

There is this website that I was supposed to have done for the Bag Boyz by the end of fall semester 2003. I am still working on it. Last night i worked from 9pm till about 2:30 am on some of the more tedious elements, but I got a lot of stuff done. Good God! It is almost as if part of me didnt want to finish the project so that I wouldn't have to graduate and move on with my life.

Other than that, the Absolute Abs course kicked my ass yesterday, but I love it. I am so thrilled that Will is game to go through it with me. And I am eating healthier than ever. On a completely seperate note, I think that I am going to get slightly involved in a campus drama. ( i just can't stay away) The advisor of the Tribune was just fired, and there is a secret letter that Fr. Wild wrote him that is apparently pretty nasty. Nobody will let the students see it. Well, yesterday a faculty friend of mine told me that s/he wanted to see it in print but feared for his/her job if it were to get back to them... I think s/he was offering it to me... Anyway, I am going to check on that today. Yeah covert fun!

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