Friday, February 25, 2005

It's Friday... So what now?

I stayed up last night till 3am watching another three episodes of the O.C. with (Webster). This is great fun. I do, however, feel like I am falling behind on my West Wing episodes. Naughty, naughty, naughty. These are the things that you have to worry about second semester Senior year.

Before the O.C-a-thon, I went to Caffrey's to catch the MU-Cinnci game. Diener broke his hand a couple of days ago, so he is out for the season, as is Chris Grimm (although that is less of a tragedy). Anyway, our team was pretty brutalized. Oh well. Not the senior season that I was hoping for, but if that is my biggest dissapointment, I am blessed. During 1/2 time, I went to George Webbs and got 2 double cheeseburgers and fries for $3.80. Good God! Anyway, I hung out with Jon McPheters and a friend of his until about 11:30. I am not sure, but it may have been a "hook-up"... There were a couple things said that just seemed to indicate that this guy was interested. Or perhaps I had just had one too many. When I am at Caff's I just am not in "boy" mode: I dont even pay attention, which I kinda enjoy that I can just be me without worrying who is looking.

I wouldnt put that sort of thing past Jon though. He is possibly one of my favorite people ever. And the funny thing is that he has NO idea how desireable he is. At one point we got to tlaking about relationships, and he mentioned that he has only been in two short relationships while at Marquette. I responded with something like, "You could be in a relationship if you wanted to be." He just kinda laughed me off, not believing me. WHAT!!! This guy is gorgeous, kind, smart as hell, spiritual... At one point last semester I told (Julie) that all I wanted for Christmas was for her to have lots of babies with him. He said that he just never can tell if a girl is into him, and that the 2 relationships he has been in, both times the girls initiated the... touching. Geez. I need to hook this guy up.

Other than that, yesterday I did abs, taught our ethics class about the ethics of Porn, and argued everyone's mid-term grade up 6 points in our PR class. That was kinda the highlight of my academic day: in a class of 45 I took the professor on one-on-one on about 4 questions, until she kindly gave in on several points. Moved my grade up from an 80 to an 86. Big jump. Cool.

As for this weekend, I work much of it, which is cool. I look forward a bit to the money. I have to go grocery shopping to at some point. Then my Theo mid-term on Monday (tons of essays, yuck) another Spanish test on Wednesday and my trip to Minneapolis on Friday. It should prove to be a quick week. I just need to make sure I use this weekend wisely. Sure... we'll see if that happens

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