Sunday, May 08, 2005

Happy Dead Mother's Day!

Chatting with my dear friend right now. Her Mom is dead too. We have fun with that.

Had a good time last night. For awhile it seemed like all the hot guys had boyfriends, and I am totally a hater about that concept. I had two marks who both turned up with significant others. Part of my brain goes, "So?"

First I was chilling with the music man (Tobey) and his friends (who thought I was straight! I have been chatting with those guys for months!), then Tom and Mike, then later I hung out with internet boy and his boyfriend for a bit. Franco ended up showing, but I was totally getting the "give me my space vibe." So I ended up on the dance floor with Drew and his BF. Notice how many boyfriends I have mentioned already? Damn. I thought spring was supposed to be breakup season. I was informed last night that I missed it, and the boys are onto the "coupling" season. Crap. That's the last time I go a year without the Gay Almanac.

Anyway, I ended up taking home a new friend. He and I had made out back in February that one snowy night that Bill let me close on my own. It was such a struggle then, cause barclose came, and he and a couple other guys were hanging out, and I had to kick them out, but as i followed them out to lock the door, this guy turned around and we made out a little bit. Anyway, I guess patience pays off. He is graduating this year too, moving back into town, intelligent, visits his mother on Mother's day, and is just this little hottie. And by little I mean I can pick him up when we make out. That's just hot. He said he is coming back at 2pm... Then I'll let him drive me to work. ;-)

I have one final project to do for my Critical Writing class, and I will admit that I am totally procrastinating again. I am SO going to have to pull a drunken all nighter on Monday night. Here are my next 48 hours: work 4-9 tonight, 8am tomorrow train to Chicago. Drive back around 6pm with Justine. Beer club 9-12pm. Then the paper is due by 6am on Tuesday. Hmmm... I guess if I do the interviews by phone today, start it after work tonight, write on the train... And I only need like a C anyway... I did the math yesterday. If I got the As that I anticipate in Ethics and Theology, then I just need to pass my other courses to hang onto Magna Cum Laude. Cum. hahahaha... I'm so 12 years old.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So, who's this "internet boy" you've referred to a couple of times?