Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Early Morning Workout

I have yet to get my schedule ironed out for this semester. For instance, I probably didnt need to get up at 5:55 to get a workout in before my 9am class.

I was looking at the Golden Globe winners from last night. While the winners are all the movies and shows I rooted for, such as Showtime's fantastic "Weeds," and "Desperate Housewives," along with the revolutionary "Brokeback Mountain" and "Transamerica," I realized that I hadnt seen ANY of the movies that won (including the previous two that I was rooting for more out of social reasons than anything). I need to get to the theater more often. Or ever.

Today I have my first class with the "Anti-Gay." Perhaps I shouldnt call her that because "some of her best friends are..." but that embarrassing logic stopped working in the 60s. Anyway, today she is lecturing us on mental health (including a speaker on Alcoholism...timing?). I have no issues with this, other than the babying aspect. But, for tomorrow we have to read the first three chapters of Genesis, a reading by the Pope, etc... Oh... This is going to be interesting. I seriously am willing to take her on, and I dont know if the students around me, or she (or I for that matter) are ready for that. I just dont feel like I should be force-feed the bible, or her anti-gay-marriage rhetoric in my PROPERTIES class. So the question of each and every class will be: 1) how does this have to do with Property law and 2) does this respect the religious background of every student present. Perhaps I am getting too preemptively defensive... But I have heard some nasty stuff about this woman.

On the other hand, I had heard similar things about the Prof who just offered my a research fellowship this summer, and he and I get along fine.

As for my other Profs, at least I have one who I know is predictable. My Lawyering Skills prof is very talented, and actually kinda nice once you get past the chilly facade she puts up in class. She is just kinda old school.

I have already ticked off my Criminal Law prof. Okay by me. He had this attendance policy which, as it originally read, only allowed us to miss three classes. It is not that I skip a whole lot of class, if you look at my last semester I hardly missed any, but it comes down to a "babying" sort of thing. Respect that we are adults and that we can recognize the detriment of not coming to class. If your class is taught right, then we should not be able to pass the final without showing up for the lecture. If you are a poor teacher, then you might have something to worry about... Anyway, I asked him in class why the attendance policy was so harsh. This threw him off a bit. He asked me what the other professors' policies were. I threw out Sisk's (10 classes) because I couldnt think of any others. He thought that policy was absurd.

So then I went back this weekend and pulled out every syllabus from each class that we have had (or currently have) so far. There either wasnt an attendance policy or it was high, like Sisk's. I emailed the Crim Prof what I had found saying that I wanted to more completely answer his question... He emailed back a class-wide response about "kids these days" and bumped the policy up to six absences. Still though... I want to call him out on the "kids" comment. I dont think we have any "kids" in our class.

You'll notice that I am avoiding talking about the alcohol situation. That's cause I am not ready to talk about it quite yet. I will probably write when my "test period" is over and I have been able to go in for an alcohol assessment. Till then...

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