Sunday, January 22, 2006

The Weekend, as it were

Well that was... dull.

Since when did I give up having weekends? I stayed in feeling a bit sick on Friday, then Saturday went to a training seminar from 1-6, then work from 9-close. Today, woke just in time to go back to the seminar, 1-6, then come home and get my reading done for tomorrow. Yeck. Im already ready for next weekend.

Oh, and Im getting a cold. Yeck. Yeck. Couldn't have anything to do with pushing myself so hard? Nah.

So there was this guy... And I need advice. This is not a SERIOUS boy dilemma, just a mild one. At this training seminar there was this totally attractive guy with kind eyes, intelligent comments, and a pretty good look to him. He seemed pretty gay to me. Im attracted. Now what?

What do grownups, in a non-bar situation, do? Keep in mind I am at a semi-professional training and would hate to be accused of scoping for guys (which of course all gay men are doing ALL the time anyway) and Im not even sure he is gay. I dont know this guy from Adam, but would like to get to know him better. Now what?

This comes back to the lack of socialization skills that gay men are able to train by not acknowledging their sexuality in their youth. I dont know how to approach someone like this... I didnt get that training in high school.

I mean, in retrospect, I am sure that I could have gone up to him and been, "Nice comment in class, I was wondering if you wanted to go to dinner some time." It seems easy. But it also seemed WAY out of place at the time.

Perhaps it is still that fear of rejection that we all need to get over. I know that this isnt just my problem, but I do hold on to a least a modicrum of my self dignity. What's the worst he is going to say? No? That's the answer I have right now anyway. Perhaps the question I fear is, "why?" I would hate for it to come down to me blubbering something about, "You have pretty eyes and talk nice." But is that even what I am scared of? Why was I too big a pussy to go there?

Seriously... send me advice on this one. I WILL see this guy again. What should I say?

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