Tuesday, January 24, 2006

"His Thang ain't gonna glow red!"

The above care of my ultra-conservative Texan property professor. Her quotes are abundant.

So remember how I was far too gutless to ask the guy from last weekend out? (see last posting) Well, life throws us funny little twists. Last night, as I was emailing a couple of guys back in Milwaukee on Friendster, I happened to see HIS profile on the "singles" part of the page. This cleared up just enough of the confounding questions (is he gay, does he have a bf) that I was able (with the goading of a friend) to drop him a note and ask him to a dinner/coffee thing.

Well this morning, I got a response. He had no idea I was gay, told me that I pulled off the "ex-frat boy gone law school" look pretty well, and gave me his number. We proceeded to email back and forth all day long and then talked for about a half an hour at the end of the day. Sounds like a good guy. If nothing else, I am glad I took the risk and hopefully will have made a friend out of this. He is also a 1L, so at least for the next 3 years or so we live in identical worlds, even if they happen to be at different law schools.

Secondly, I went to the Y today during our elongated lunch period with a pal. She showed me around, and a I got some good lifting in. That is always a good way to distract me midday. Getting a workout in definitely goes in the plus column.

Later, I made yet ANOTHER (count them 8) call to the clinic where I am trying to schedule an Alchohol Assessment. I havent drank, or even really been tempted to drink, since two Thursdays ago because I want to get this assessment done first. But Will is coming up this weekend, and I dont want to not drink because I havent gotten my shit together, nor feel guilty because I am drinking... Anyway the clinic told me they would call me back... Which they did 1 1/2 hours later only to tell me that they wouldnt work with my insurance. This is especially odd since my insurance was one of the ways I was referred to this particular clinic. I also offerred to pay out of pocket, but they refused... Wow... Here's a clinic that has it's priorities in order. Anyway, I found out that I could get the same assessment for free TOMORROW through the university. Easy decision. What a pain in the ass this process has been. But I am fairly relieved to at least have this step taken care of.

Then, I got a call from the Public Defender's Office asking me in for an interview. YEAH!!! This is for a summer clerkship that I applied for a while ago and had kinda lost hope in. Wish me luck!

To cap off this good day, I received my placement for teaching Street Law this semester. I am at the Interdistrict school which is pretty much across the street from my school, and I will be teaching a mid-day session on Tuesdays (during that extended lunch hour) with a guy from the U. This is the ideal placement/time, so this is also extremely good news. With this addition to my schedule, I have a very front-loaded week with the Volunteer Lawyer's Network on Monday mornings and now this on Tuesdays, but I think it is better than trying to do these things when I am burned out at the end of the week.

Okay, bed time. Im still kicking this cold, so sleep is a good thing. Life is good. I am majorly contented at the moment.

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