Wednesday, May 03, 2006

I walk alone

I went for a walk last night about 10pm. I had been in my apartment all day long preparing for today's Criminal Law test. I departed down my street, and then walked along the park, just enough to stretch my legs and get some air.

I was reminded that when I first moved here I had heard all sorts of horror stories about the park. I remember (Mitchell) worrying about me walking there at night. And I was so concerned at that point about losing (Mitchell). Moving can be a scary thing. That feeling of the unknown is hard for most of us.

Now, hardly eight months later, I walk comfortably alone around that same park. I have grown comfortable with the area, comfortable in my own skin. Even though I did end up losing (Mitchell) to the distance and the reality of the relationship, that thought no longer scares me either. I find myself very contented to walk alone.

On a completely unrelated note, Im back on one of my fitness kicks. Feels good. Even a couple days of working out makes me feel better, more energized. Also, unrelatedly, I spent about 30 minutes yesterday rearranging my schedule so I wouldnt hvae to take any future classes with my Crim Law professor. I was supposed to take Evidence with him next Spring, but with the disorganized and almost disrespectful way he has approached this exam, I am simply not willing to tolerate him for another semester. Oh well, it worked out in the long run. Now I will be taking a night class with an appellate judge. Should be interesting.

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