Saturday, July 08, 2006

God works in mysterious ways...

so that I don't donkey-punch some ass hole preacher man standing on a Walmart* stepstool on Nicollet Mall ranting about how gays are going to hell.

I got off the bus to go to the bank a block before I should have. I thought it was wierd, and didnt understand why I did it, but later I saw the guy yelling right where I would have gotten off the bus. Glad I didnt have to confront him. Dick head.

Just got back from the Lodge. I love it there. It was a good call to leave, as I need to get some major work done tomorrow, and have a fantastic wedding to go to in the afternoon. Funny thing about tonight: girls were all over me. One of the cocktailers was eyeing me so much that my friends were commenting on it. Then as I was on my way out, the bartender asked me for my number. I gave it to her. I'll have to explain things to her another day. I'll just take the ego boost for now.

I seem to have lost my favorite Marquette hat. Bummer. Just one more reason that I have to get to Milwaukee soon. I loved that hat. I wear hats so often that the couple getting married tomorrow thought I didnt have hair the first couple of weeks we were friends.

What got deleted from that last post was that I spent most of the day today trying to square away travel plans (what to do when Dad and Carey are in town next weekend and how to get back home in August for the Family Reunion) and squaring away the roommate thing. I had a bit of an open house today to show the apartment. There were two really good candidates, and I picked a girl who seems to have a lot of character, works for a nonprofit, and seems totally cool. Im actually really excited that I might have a roommate who I can develop a friendship with. Or at least a conversation. Sheesh. I cant believe that my current roommate has lived with me almost a year (as of Sept.). Oh how the time flies.

Work has been good. I had to be uber-productive on Wed and Thurs as I had 2 major projects due on Thurs. (hence not posting much). They both went well, and then I had an emergency follow-up issue to deal with on Friday, but largely have nothing else to do. Because we are assigned on rotation with the other clerks, and the last-minute assignment counted, I will probably not get a new assignment till Wed or Thurs... Sweet. Gotta love a government job. I spent Fri morning bumming around Property court first appearances. Just something to do.

Its also funny, what a lawyer I am quickly becoming. My aunt called the other day to ask how bail works (honestly I have no idea; most of our clients cant afford to make bail). Then on the bus home tonight, I heard three black guys talking about using self-defense in a domestic altercation that they anticipated happening. I interjected: "Self-defense is a triable defense. Which means that you go to a jury, usually a mostly white jury, and have to convince at least one of them that it was absolutely necessary for you to hit your girlfriend. I wouldnt recommend it." It was an interesting moment. Maybe that's how I can make my money, giving criminal defense advice on buses...

*Walmart, btw represents all things evil to me... Not so much because of their economic policies or the fact that they tend to squeeze out small businesses in areas to employ people at minimum wage (there was a great discussion on that) but more because their stores are fashion-hell-holes. Target, on the other hand, is all things good. There was an article in Newsweek about their corporate giving that literally made me cry... Granted I was having a sappy moment, but it was a well-written article and they really do some amazing things.

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