Monday, July 17, 2006

Unearned fabulousness

First of all, the lead singer of the now-defunct Savage Garden, Darren Hayes, has just come out of the closet in marrying his partner in London. That's a big "I told you so" to a bunch of friends from like 11th grade. His song, "Affirmation" was truly such an... affirmation as a young gay male. It was pretty cool to hear as a teenage gay male struggling for positive messages in society.

Second, my trip to the maximum security prison yesterday was pretty intense. Its not quite like "Oz" but getting there. I was impressed by the guards, impressed by the facility, but it is hard not to view the tons and tons of steel and concrete as a giant failure in human nature. Many many lives will be kept there until they cease to threaten society. A couple of things: There was a board where the guards kept track of gang affiliations. I had never realized how prominent gangs are in the offending society of Minnesota. The scariest? By far the amount of "White Power" guys are in there. Somehow I find it easy to dismiss gangs that are made up of minorities as a result of bad neighborhoods, generations of cultural, monetary and racial discrimination, but then there are the white guys who just hate people. That's fucking scary to me.

It was also pretty amazing how much the staff at the prison almost universally hated Gov. Pawlenty. Cutbacks in funding, salaries and inmate education (which statistically makes them more docile and compliant.

Finally, I thought it particularly intriguing that our guide mentioned that the week of July 4th, the inmates undergo complete lockdown. The sense of irony escaped the guard as I mentioned, "So much for Independence Day." That joke didnt go over well. (the reason for the lockdown is so that more guards can go home and spend time with their families)

Dad and Carey were here over the weekend, and it was just fucking awesome. I went through a night of withdrawal after they left. All of a sudden I feel very alone. It will pass, and I have plenty to keep me occupied, but it is the contrast of being surrounded by unconditional love and laughter to *poof* ... the silence of living alone in a big city. I have some fun social events later this week, so I have some things to look forward to, but it is an interesting emotional juxtaposition.

Sunday night I took Dad and Carey to the Gay 90s for the drag show, where I greased a few palms to have a drag queen present Dad with a birthday cake for his 51st birthday. It was quite fun, and the first time he or Carey had seen real drag (not the honky shit they had experienced back home...). The interesting thing though, to which I dedicated the title of this post, was that it was 18 and older night at the 90s. Which means the teenage crowd was out in force.

Perhaps this goes with my "getting old" post from last week (ps... I have sprained the ligaments in my lower back so wont be able to play tennis anymore... grrr...), but I am a little bit repulsed by this "younger" generation of gay men (boys). The thing that has held the gay community together for so long is the sense of commonality in the struggle of the coming out experience. With time, that experience has gotten easier and easier, to the point where it may not have been a hardship for many of these youngins (speaking in generalities of course). They walk with this sense of fabulousness that they have adopted from their gay-forefathers, without having to have earned their stripes to get there. Dont get me wrong, I am not saying that they should be undergoing the harsh realities that often came (and still do come) with coming out, but simply that I think there is no longer a respect for those that came before... (God, now I really sound old).

Some of you may be thinking: "you're just pissed because you're not hot shit any longer." You would be wrong. I am still hot shit. I got hit on Sunday (while with my family, always a little wierd) more than I normally do. But I wouldnt be interested in most of these queeny vapid young queers if it was that or the vagina. Even my father was surprised by the attitude of expectancy of most of these guys.

Its like the saying, "Im here, Im Queer, get used to it," has morphed into, "Im Gay, Im Hot, bow to my fabulousness." I, for one, am not impressed.

Musical Fodder for my Writing:
"Affirmation" Savage Garden,

1 comment:

Mikey said...

Of course you are hot shit! That's why I hang out with you.