Wednesday, March 02, 2005

And the drama continues...

SOOOoooo... Yesterday, I had it worked out that I would pay for (Webster's) cruise, we would drive his car down, and all would be good. My biggest concern at that point was that the girls were going to be a bit hostile towards (Webster). It was going to be $425 out of my pocket, but to a certain extent, we need the ride, and I want my best friend there with me. God damn it, we ARE going on this trip.

Well, then (Webster) talked to his parents and they forbid him from taking his own car down. Huh, what? Now it ust seems like they are trying to keep him going without being honest about it. They had no objection to the car thing two weeks ago. Now all of a sudden its a problem? This put us in a whole new situation. I took my offer off of the table with (Webster) and we now had to find transportation AND a third person to fill the spot.

I found out we could rent a car for about $350. It hurts, it's gonna sting to pay about $125 more each, but thats kinda the only option we have left. I called (Julie) and let her know. She seemed to think that was a decent option. Then, when I was in the shower, I had a revelation: If I am willing to pay $425 to have my BF come with me, even though it served a certain utility before, why am I not willing to pay $525 for him now? He made the comment that someday, perhaps my third-year of law school, he will call me up and take me to Vegas or something. I consider this an investment in my friendship and an investment in a future vacation sometime. Honestly, I have the money, I might as well make something of it.

After having that revelation, I said pretty straight up to (Webster): "You are coming. I am paying for your cruise and the car. But God damnit, you are coming with us!" He didnt seem to be able to argue with that. So now we have a solution!

I told the girls in a rather roundabout way that (Webster) would now be coming with us. I went around in a circle, starting with (Julie) then (Dierdre) then (Webster) saying how much I loved them and how much I am glad they are coming with me. When I said it about (Webster) they totally did a double take and it took about 5 seconds for them to take it in. I then explained that we were still going to need to rent a car, at which point (Julie) jumped in and said that her father is going to pay the extra $200 for an upgrade to an SUV or MiniVan. Kick ASS! But wait, we're not done with this drama yet:

At this point (Dierdre) breaks down and says that she has been so upset for the last 24 hours about this whole thing, and she thought that we were al planning to cancel the vacation, and she has already thought about other plans, and now this is even going to cost more... Etc etc etc... We get her to calm down a little, but she is still really mad (mostly at Webster for his last minute waffling). To be far, she was right. Right to be pissed at him, right to think we had given up. (Julie) and I had been working for solutions for the past 72 hours, and I hadnt once called to update (Dierdre). So as far as she knew, it was hopeless. After talking to her at great length, I suggested we take twenty minutes to seperate, think and pray, knowing that once she calmed down, (Dierdre) would realize how cool it is that we have made this work again.

Well, I was right (mostly). She came back almost 35 minutes later after (Julie) went and talked to her, and said that she DOES want to do this, and that the money is NOT that big a deal. She still has to talk to her parents about it again though. Fair enough. So, now I need to change some rental car arrangements and wait her out. (I know she will say yes though)

On a seperate note, what is with all my friends' parents having such an ubsurd amount of control over their existence. I call my father often for council, but I can't tell you the last time he told me I could or couldn't do something... Perhaps that's because all my money is earned, I don't have a car that belongs to him and he doesn't pay for my education. Am I the exception to the rule? It just seems like if there has been one MAJOR barricade in all of this, it has been my friends parents "laying down the law" on how (Webster) should spend his money (or lack thereof) or where he can drive the car they let him have, or where (Julie) can take the car she was given, and finally what (Dierdre) can decide about these last minute changes. I am, without a doubt, dropping more cash on this vacation than any of these people, and while I consulted my Dad, his advice is no longer applicable to the situation (although I think he would discourage the route that I have chosen to take, which is why I am not asking him).

Anyway, I have a Spanish test today that I havent even cracked the book yet for.

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