Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Well, that was certainly fun!

We got back from Florida yesterday about 9pm. We had stopped to drop off Will in Aurora and have some of the best pizza ever. The entire trip was so phenominal and fun and a blur of just so much... I can't even begin to say just how much it rocked. It was not without its moments of drama (to be fair, I had one too), but what a kick-ass group of people to travel with. I will have to fill in the blanks later. Photos help a lot.

Right now I am putzing, putting shit away and spending some slouch time in front of the internet. I know it may seem horrible, but now that Spring Break is over, I need some new friends. Let me clarify: Will and Justine are both gone for the next couple days, and campus is empty till tomorrow, so I am getting a tiny taste of what things are going to feel like in about 50 days once Graduation is over. My friends will leave. So I need to start investing in some new relationships too. Anyone want to be my friend this summer?

I am also starting to put down some ideas for the senior speech. I havent gotten the specs. yet from the committee, but I have some basic ideas I wanted to get down. Later today I am going to spend a couple hours doing research at the library. It feels cool not to have to do anything for 24 hours. Wow. Maybe I should take a cooking class this summer. Anyone want to learn to cook with me?

Okay, I have some calls to make, more later!

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