Monday, March 07, 2005

Kick ass, debate style...

I really should be working on my presentation and writing assignment for tomorrow. Ahh well. It will be a shorter day since my ethics class is canceled. I'll nap then.

Tonight kicked so much ass! I had spent much of my day preparing Alex and Beth for tonight's MUSG debate for President and EVP. April had developed a list of questions and she and I grilled both of them, essentially trying to make them "quotable" and really come out strong in the minute and thirty seconds they had. And did they ever. I took charge of making sure that a bunch of our stronger questions got asked, the questions that I knew they had prepared with us for. And those two not only sounded more cohesive and intelligent, but WAY more eloquent than the other tickets. I kept finding myself correcting the grammar of some of the other candidates. Kick ass! Plus way had easily 3x the showing of any other candidate. There were NO green shirts at all, perhaps 10 pinks and maybe 20 yellows. We'll just see how that all translates into votes. Anyway, our positions were strong, we toppled some of the "insider" accusations of the other candidates, and it went so well over all that I was literally gitty when it was over. Afterward I found the Tribune reporter, gave her our speech (to make quoting easier) and schmoozed with her a little. Just made her job a little easier... She seemed receptive.

Part of this is that I am having a lot of fun with this effort. I have found that I am EXTREMELY good with taking the candidate's messages and honing them into public-ready, polished statements that are concise and attractive. I guess I kinda have the PR bug. Geez... for the amount of crap I talk about PR, I am really good at it, and I enjoy it.

Bob Brick called me back today. I'll call him tomorrow and have a conversation about buying houses. Wow. That will get the ball rolling and I'll just have to see where that goes... Fun stuff... Later!

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