Sunday, March 13, 2005

write write write

I'm trying to sit down and write three pieces that are floating around in my head: the UWm LGBT seminar, a Tribune piece for Tues and a restaurant review for Critical Writing. I actually woke up really early with all these ideas shooting through my head. That and a wierd dream that some teenage girl had broken into our apartment, got on Will's computer and was broadcasting things onto my computer. So I wrestled her to the ground and pretty much had to sit on her while I called the cops, who never showed. I eventually got bored with the dream and woke up. That's wierd. I don't often remember my dreams, especially in such detail.

Talked to Mae-Mae yesterday. Turns out that Aunt Lisé is 5 months pregnant. WHAT??? How did I not know about this? I know I rarely call, but it seems like that is the sort of info that I should get from Dad. Oh well, he's earned himself some slack, because I absolutely love the little camera he bought me for graduation/birthday.

SWEAT was a blast last night. I ended up being able to help, which for me is important. I am just wierd that way: I enjoy myself more if I have something to do. It was hotter than HELL there, and packed beyond measure. Literally a line out the door. Once they reached capacity, Jon McPheters kinda started freakin out, and I just grabbed him and reminded him that this is a charity event and that this type of showing is GREAT publicity, even if people have to wait to get in. I started IDing and putting on bracelets so that the manager could serve as bouncer. I would be surprised if there weren't 400 people there and they raised a grand. Good stuff.

Work before that was fine. Same on Friday. Except I spent most of Friday night babysitting people who were WAY too drunk. It was my fault for serving them the first drink, but at least two of them were bombed when they sat down. I had to literally force one guy to come back into the bar and sit down. (2x) Fun times. I guess you have to take the good with the bad at this job. I had a nice chance to bond a little with Bill last night. I feel like he definitely feels that he can trust me now. That's good to know. We had these four guys come in last night (one was Stewey from ARCW who I adore) and Bill and I just traded flattering comments back and forth. Oh, and the guys convinced me to light my crotch on fire. Hmmm...

Actually, looking at that group of friends (all very intelligent, pretty attractive) I was kind of reminded of my lack of gay friends. I had that one summer after freshman year in TC that I was constantly with Ian and Justin, but other than that, I have NEVER hung out with gay people. None of the gay kids on campus (all 4 of them) even talk to me anymore. I am too straight for them. Anyway, it doesn't really bother me, but it does make me ocassionally jealous when I see a group like Stewey, Jon, Jerry and _________ from last night.

Okay, time to write now. Maybe shower too eventually.

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