Friday, June 30, 2006

Woke up and no one loved me...

Talk about wakin up on the wrong side of the bed.

Im in a relatively bad mood. It's about 8:30 at night on Friday, and I can count at least 5 people who were supposed to call me to get together. Yuck. Nebraska is officially giving me the "no call break-up." Yuck. Im pretty sure my sister and I are in one of those default force-of-will contests over who will call first (because calling first is, of course, an admission of error). Yuck.

Tonight is not one of those Fridays that I have mentally prepared myself to stay in. To be honest, I anticipated a good happy hour with a diverse group of friends, meeting up with Nebraska and getting laid by this point. Guess not.

As for the "break-up," believe me that it is the last thing I am going to shed tears over, but it is certainly inconvenient. I could have spent the last week working on other hook-up options. Shit! I might not get laid this weekend! THAT pisses me off. It has been a very long time since I have gotten the blow-off from a guy, so I suppose that turn-about is fair play and all. Still leaves me questioning why he was all coupley last weekend (Pride=the hook-up highlight of the year) and then all of a sudden lost interest. I fear that he may have finally caught on to some of my more callous statements last weekend (see blog entry), but I dont think thats the case as he didnt even seem to wince at the time. Whatever. Next!

As for my sister, well, thats just a family trait. But now with my Dad in China till Sunday, and her apparently not wanting to talk to me... Feeling kinda alone at the moment. Oh sad.

Time to drink till I cant feel feelings.

Great article to think about

I had this "judicial conservative" guy get in my face last semester about the role of the courts. He was aggressively touting how great it was that finally we are getting a "conservative" Court which will back off and let the "real" democracy do their thing. I didnt quite know how to react. I am proud of some of the progressive measures the Court has put into place in the past, and I have never been willing to concede that the court system isnt part of our democratic process.... I wish I had read this article then to be able to better have this conversation...

Fair to Meddling - The myth of the hands-off conservative jurist. By Seth Rosenthal

Good God!

I just woke up and have had Michael Jackson's "Heal the World" running through my head. Why? No idea. Havent heard that song in a decade. Apparently it is impossible to exorcise from your memory. I have two thoughts:

1) Can you dig a song out of your head with scissors?

2) If there was ever an indication that it is going to be a shitty day...

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Interesting Day

Spent the day today at a Continuing Legal Education seminar on divorce law and procedure, which was both interesting at parts and boring at parts. It was nice to focus on a different aspect of law for a day, but I do look forward to returning to work tomorrow.

Got the first of two calls from my sister mid-day: she was dying to tell me this gay joke she had come up with. I kinda humored her and went on with my day. She had called me twice last night to tell me the joke, but I was asleep when she called (calling twice is also our family signal for emergencies, but I dont think she realized she had done it). Anyway, much later today she calls to tell me that she is working with this guy who hurt his knee taking off his cowboy boots and giving himself a pedicure, and it made her think of me, cause he's gay. I was kinda appalled really, and at first didnt say anything. Then I decided to call her back: I really dont like being thought of as the "token gay" in the family. Come on! If anybody should be past that stuff, it should be them.

Think of me when someone is witty, generous, a good listener, supportive, abbrasive, terse, aggressive, WHATEVER... but dont think of me when you hear about some guy painting his toenails. That's not who I am! Im not some episode of Will & Grace... I just am really past being thought of as the "gay one." My Dad has a tendency to do that too, and I addressed him about it. He is, afterall, the one who wanted me to be "more than just gay." So I am turning the tables and asking them to think of me as more than it too.

On one hand I am so unbelievably lucky to have the supportive family that I have. But on the other, I kinda want them to move past that (or perhaps do something about it... maybe what is truly bothering me is that my sexuality is used for joking, but never for politics or for activism.... Maybe I should tell my father that for every funny Cher joke he says to me, he has to go to a PFLAG meeting... anyway). Well, now my sisters pissed, even though I tried to be as constructive and kind about pointing out the whole thing as I could be... She got really pissed saying I was way out of line. Hmmm... I dont think so, especially since I was literally just telling her how I was feeling, and it DID happen twice in one day. Maybe Im wrong...

I realize though that I miss Dad... He's still in China until Sunday. Im sure its amazing, and I hope he's doing well. Its funny how strong our connection still is though. There have been a number of times (esp. given an ethical dilemna I had last weekend) that I have wanted to call him up and talk something through with him. This situation with my sister is one of them.

I guess I am also worried that my sister is floundering. She's not doing so hot at life right now, so no one is calling her on her shit. So things keep getting worse. I could go on about this extensively, but I wont at the moment. Suffice it to say that I feel like I was quite fair in ONLY telling her how I felt about the things she was saying to me.

Then I spent the evening interviewing a couple for my "long paper" (essentially a law school thesis). This gay couple had adopted 3 kids about 5 years back, and they literally have the exact life that I long for, down to the Saab Convertible and the kitchen with a granite island and great knives. Oh, and the kids are pretty damn cool. Anyway, it was an interesting peek to get into their lives.

On a political note, I havent been able to read about the Supreme Court's Hamdan decision, but just getting a glimpse of CNN, I think Im going to be a happy camper tomorrow. That, and I get to see Nebraska. Later!

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Everyone should read this article.

These are the things we all KNOW about Guantanemo... But here are the facts to back that up.

Curiouser and Curiouser

Well, it has indeed been a good week so far. I have mostly been revive from a weekend worth of gay-fun. Its nice to be back to the real world, getting some of my real work done. I got one project done on Monday, and looking to finish another today. Im heading to the Court of Appeals today just for fun, so got all dressed-up nice for that.

Havent really seen Nebraska in the last couple of days. Not worried about that though, as we did spend the entire friggin weekend together. I have social/work/networking engagements for the next two nights, but I think he and I plan on getting together for Happy Hour on Friday, which should prove to be fun. I gotta say, its smart of him to give me my space right now. Most guys would "move in" at this point and I would get to feeling overwhelmed and under-interested. Well played... "Your move, holy man..."

Went out last night for a couple of friends birthdays. They went to dinner first, which I didnt join since I am as broke as I have ever been in my life (is it sad that I had a dream last night that my grandparents died and left me a ton of money?) and felt a little queasy about dropping a bunch of money on a nice meal. But I joined later and really enjoyed catching up, as I havent seen the two friends I was there for in a couple of weeks. We went out, got shafted by Brothers (I always hated that shitty bar) and went somewhere with $2 taps. Sweet!

Anyway, after staying out till about 11pm with those girls, I took the bus home and say these two guys at my entrance. I dont know how to properly preface this story without going too far into the history of the thing but I'll try: one guy I met while he was visiting campus and he just smelled gay. I approached him, and now he's coming to UST Law next fall. He lives with a roommate who I met at the 19 one night and have kinda developed a mild crush on. As 19 is a gay bar, and they live together, and they both seem pretty gay, and they live in the "gay neighborhood," I always presumed that they were both gay.

So, I come home last night, see them smoking and decide to join them (mostly cause I have a crush on the one guy). We start chatting and after a little while, I ask them how they enjoyed Pride, things of that nature... then the one going to UST Law mentions his wife. What? You're married? I was very confused. Apparently he wasnt playing with me. Okay... Cool. I can roll with that, I wasnt interested in him anyway. Then they insist that I go up to their place and have a drink, and I try to be coy and then give in. We go up and have a drink, and it is now getting very late for me, and then the one I think is cute mentions something about being straight. Huh? Say again? Yep. Straight.

I have always known that I go for straight-ish guys (Nebraska being a good example) but apparently I need to truly realign my gaydar. Holy shit, I used to be spot on accurate with that stuff... I have been bumping into these guys for 6 months now, (in fact I was still with (Mitchell) when I first met the UST-bound one) and I could have sworn they were gayer than a box o' leprechauns. Where does one go to get their gaydar re-aligned?

On the political front, anyone who loves reading Scalia's raging, abusive opinions may appreciate the first day of dialogue referring to it on Slate:
Someday when I am truly bored at work I want to look up some of Scalia's writing before he was a justice. I wonder when his writing style turned so un-Godly hateful. Oh, and the other thing I like about the Slate article is the mention of Justice Thomas' use of italics. It is pretty funny.

Moving on to the executive branch, I, funnily enough, actually appreciate the line-item veto that Bush is trying to get passed. I have always liked the idea that the President (or morelike his staff) can cut through the pork that inevitably gets attached to a bill. Two arguments can be made as far as the legislative effect: a) it will either allow legislators to save face by being able to say, "Hey, I tried..." or b) it will relieve legislators of any sense of duty to responsible spending in their state. Perhaps argument (b) only exists in an idealized world. Anyway, Bush's veto plan would get around the New York v. Clinton because it allows Congress to override the specific item vetoed with a simple majority vote. (Besides, given the dissents on New York v. Clinton and the changes in the Court since then, it wouldn't rule the same now anyhow.) My only concern with the thing is whether it will lead to partisan abuse: ie. allowing pork projects that help Congressmen from your party while disabling spending for those opposition party members who are vulnerable... I guess we'll have to see.

Funny though that the only President to never veto ANYTHING out of Congress, but to use more "signing statements" (essentially "Fuck Yous, Im going to do what I want") than any president before him is pushing for this line-item power....

Enough for now.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

A Terrifying Message from Al Gore

Anything that combines Futurama and my favorite political issues is okay by me.

Monday, June 26, 2006

A big gay t-shirt!

So this last weekend was Pride, and I had an unbelievable amount of fun. I spent most of the weekend with Nebraska, which was very cool, and funny enough I didnt get annoyed with him. That says something. Normally after about 12 hours with someone, I'm ready to cleave their skull in two. Not so with Nebraska. He gave me my space, let me do what I needed to, yet we still spent a good amount of time together being all "coupley." And I didnt have any homocidal feelings. Thats a good sign.

By Saturday night I was all Prided-out. I had enough "gay culture" for the evening. So Nebraska and I went to go see Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth." I need to do some independent research to see how much of what he is saying is slanted or whatever, but my first thought is that the movie was damn compelling. Definitely recommend it. Great ending too with a Melissa Etheridge song. Anyway, back to Pride--

A couple of observations about Pride: first-- What the fuck do I have to do to convince people Im gay?

I spent a good chunk of the weekend helping to man the booth for my law school, and got to be the "Im a student here, and I love it," guy. And people would cock their heads and puzzle, and finally ask, "Well, are YOU gay?" Id kindly respond that I was, and I love my school. But it must have happened a good 20 times. Maybe I should have been wearing a tighter shirt.

Then, I was watching the Pride parade yesterday with Nebraska by my side, still being coupley and everything, and this guy taps me on the shoulder: "You're straight, right?" Huh, what? Im standing at the mother-fucking Pride Parade with the guy Im sleeping with, and Im still getting that? What do I need to do, develop a lisp and a limp wrist? Seriously. My question for the guy who was asking was then, "Why do you ask?" His response, "You just look straight, and I was trying to prove a point that not everyone here was gay..." So, apparently, this guy looked into a crowd of homos and determined that I was the straight one.

I guess the only reason that this even mildly bugged me is because I spent the weekend NOT judging (at least out loud) (okay, outloud but at least not so they could hear me) the relatively freaky fags that come out at Pride. Good for them. God Bless. Not my type/style/size/color, but whatever. And yet I dont happen to fit into the norm on the other end, and I get questioned. Wierd.

Second observation: just cause Im at Pride doesnt mean I want you speculating about my "relationships" any more than anywhere else. Its really none of your business.

I was walking hand-in-hand with Nebraska, which feels pretty damn cool, and this guy from the Minnesota Committed Couples booth (or something of the sort) comes and gets in our face, "Are you two a couple?" I almost mauled out his eyes. Here I am, a somewhat committment-wary guy, trying to avoid "the talk" as best as possible. By "the talk," of course I mean the "we're-sleeping -together -regularly, -so -what -are -we, -lets -get -a -definition -out -on -the -table, -and -PS -you -cant -look -at -other -guys" talk. Then comes along a complete stranger who decides he needs that talk to have happened and for us to come hang out with him now. That warrants a mauling in my mind.

Later last night I had rejoined Nebraska at the bar (where we were oddly exiled outside... wierd setup) and another person asked us. Having a few beers under my belt, the answer was glibbly, "He's good in bed, so Im gonna stick with him till I get bored or annoyed." Funny enough, Nebraska didnt seem to mind that answer. Maybe he might work afterall.

Favorite t-shirt quote of the weekend:
"I dont cuddle, but I'll hold you tight while I fuck you."

Thursday, June 22, 2006

I have someone who empties my garbage at night...

I just had that thought: everyday when I come in to work, my trash is empty. I've never had someone that performed such an invisible personal service. New.

I went out with Nebraska again yesterday. He and I went out for lunch, then met up after I had a meeting with the Prof I am working for. I turned in the chapters I had been doing, and that felt rather nice. Then he handed back a stack to edit almost just as big. Great. Here's to a fun summer. Anyway, Nebraska and I had dinner at this Mexican place a couple blocks away then went for a romantic stroll in the sculpture gardens. He's totally an introvert, but he is quickly opening up, and I cant seem to take my eyes off of him. It was totally a nice date, just hanging out the two of us. I could get used to this.

Today, work has been good. I was assigned a new "rush" case which I have to push myself a little on. I should have a good chunk of it finished tomorrow though if I focus... And I went to meet the attorney on the case, and I already love her. She seems very cool. Moreso to in that she is letting me argue the motion! Kickass! While I cant be certain, Im fairly sure that winning this would secure release for a kid who's in for five years. Sweet! Best of all, its a winnable case. I just really have to kick my ass this next week getting the arguments together.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Mob Internet Justice, Part II; Nebraska, Part II

I awoke this morning to some fun news: the story that I posted June 10th about the guy how was seeking justice through the internet for his friends stolen SideKick finally resulted in an arrest of the individual involved. I gotta be honest, as someone who is now part of "the system," when the Internet guy, Evan, started running into roadblocks by the police, I was fairly certain that this whole thing would stall out, and that justice would never be done, regardless of how much work this one man had put into it, and how much attention he had received.

But here is is:

The original link is also:

Now this girl's case will undoubtably land on a PD law clerk's desk in Queens for receiving stolen merchandise. (I say PD's office not because they are Mexican, but because they bought a SideKick from a taxi driver...) Should be an interesting case, I might be geeky enough to follow it myself.

On a completely different note, I went out with Nebraska again last night. Had him meet me and a couple friends out for drinks. (or "drink" in his case... this guy definitely isnt a lush. but then, I can corrupt anyone) We ended up having some fairly deep conversation. He doesnt talk much, but he is one of those people that you want to listen to when he does, cause it is usually something important. Anyway... He and I have lunch today. That makes me smile.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

What I want to Do, What I'm told to do, What I should do...

So Im looking toward next year. Perhaps I am putting the cart before the horse, but I applied to the Law Review, and have been thinking a lot lately about whether or not I want to do it. This job is phenominal about getting me into contact with people who can give me perspective on some of these things.

Everyone at law school (professors, students, mentors, janitors...) pretty much mandate that you should do Law Journal if you are good enough, do On Campus Interviewing if you are strong enough... I have never been on eto do things jsut because people have expected it of me. If it is a good idea, if it will help me to succeed with my dreams, if it will make me happy then it is worth doing. If not, then screw it, Im not going to (take that class) (play that sport) (jump off that bridge).

I want to help people. I want to open my own adoption agency. I never feel like clerking. I never never want to work in a law firm as an underling associate. What is going to help me in my endeavors will be getting as much volunteer experience as possible. Showing a dedication and drive to work in the public sector. Making connections in the legal public-service world. None of those things require working for the Law Review.

It turns out that my goals may be very different from those that are giving me advice. I have never been one to do something just to put it on my resume, and I dont think that I am going to start now.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Something Awakened

It was a nice relaxing day today. I thought this week was going to be super busy, as I have 3 chapters of the book I am editing to turn in, a major assignment to hand in to the Chief Public Defender tomorrow, and to top it off I was supposed to be mock-second-chairing a trial all today and tomorrow. Well, ofund out early today that the trial has been postponed (till August? so much for a speedy trial). So I got to spend the day pretty much putzing and doing clean-up work for cases since I had planned on being out. Its fun having a job where people arent staring over your shoulder every five minutes to make sure work is getting done.

Our group of clerks is a bit reserved. Most of the lawyers even comment on it. I like most of them, but I am about to throw down with one of them who keeps remarking about those of us who go out on Friday's as "making quite the name for ourselves." Number 1: its Friday. I'll do what the fuck I want. Number 2: Im networking with more county employees than I could ever do during the weekday. Number 3: Shut the fuck up. Anyway, the highhorse thing is getting annoying. Im probably going to ask people to stop talking about going out around him cause he's being such an idiot-head.

I met a man over lunch who is part of a Minnesota gay families organization. He and I got to talking about the need for a gay-friendly and gay marketed adoption center in the midwest. He has an organization to work with. It got me so excited that that was all I could think about for the next half hour. I am trying to set up a time to meet with him and his family and learn how the process went for them, what the decision making was like, etc. And it was equally cool to see him be so supportive of my long term goal and excited about my excitement. It just makes me... well, excited!

Well, last time I wrote about a guy. I feeling it. Something has been awoken in me which I have tried to repress since my last break up, for better or worse. Just the simple act of having companionship... Tonight is the first time in a while that I have longed for that again. Im actually kinda pissed at the moment about that. I was doing so well just having my fun and getting stuff done, then someone has to come along and remind me that I'm human.

Gee thanks...

Sunday, June 18, 2006

If I were a South Park Character...

A one-night stand gone right

First of all... I am loving life. Majorly. I got some great news on Friday, and am walking on air right now. I went out with the crew from work on Friday night after I left a tad early and went home for a nap. It started storming tremendously, but I happen to love storms, so that was all right with me. Had a fair number of drinks at Rosen's before the crew decided they wanted to go to the Brass Rail, a gay dive/strip bar. Hmmm... I had never been there before, and who was I to rain on that whole parade? If they didnt know I was gay before, they may have figured it out there... Then met up with Anthony for a little while at the Saloon. Didnt stay too long, but I had had my fun already.

Yesterday I just chilled, ignoring the work that seems to be piling up for this book Im editing. Caught a bus to Anthony's house to go to his pre-wedding party. Met some very solid people and just chilled out for a while until we all decided to make our way to the Saloon. Through Anthony I have been able to FINALLY network enough that I felt like I had a crowd to chill out with last night. One couple I had met the night before, a group of four guys who I hope to hang out with later, and our whole group. It just felt nice to feel like I belonged. And I dont know if it was the comfort level thing, but I was getting checked out left and right. At one point I asked Anthony if I had something on my face... People were just looking at me... Havent felt that way in a while.

Anyway, at one point I saw this kid sitting against the wall, looking just kinda bored and lonely. I had spent about 6 months feeling like I didnt belong, so I decided to share the wealth. (this same tactic was how I became friends with Anthony and Dan afterall, so it is worth it) Anyway, I start chilling with this guy, brought him into our group, introduced him to everyone. Well, after a while, they all disappeared (seriously... that was wierd) and I just looked at him and was like, "Any interest in going back to my place to chill?" He is this totally cute Nebraska boy... Anyway, the night proceeded as many of my weekly encounters (its to the point where i could pretty much set my watch by them) go, but as the night progressed into the morning, we just... clicked. He ended up staying around with me until the mid-afternoon, watching a movie and just being together. I'm gonna be kinda honest: Im a little smitten. I havent had anything more than a purely physical connection with anyone in a while. It felt really nice.

It could go nowhere. Knowing me, it probably will. But its cool to feel that possibility out there. I havent felt that way since (Mitchell). I still am capable of feeling like this. Hmm, at least thats good to know.

Friday, June 16, 2006

Displaced once again...

Dear Elders,

I moved to Minneapolis in August of last year to attend law school, leaving everyone I knew behind at my undergraduate and back home. It has been a rough transition, as I have found it difficult to connect with people and make friends in this bigger city. After a little under a year at toiling to make friendships happen, I find myself slipping back a little.

I took an excellent job at a local firm where I am getting great training, but the hours are pretty nuts. I feel that I am quickly losing touch with the friends I started to make over the year, and their lifestyle no longer fits into my schedule. Everyone talks about how hard it is to balance work with a social or family life, but I have never had a problem with it before. My friends have always meant the world to me, and I feel like I will be so lost here if I lose the ones I have worked to find...

I guess I am looking for advise as to how to best balance work and friendships when your work seems to require all that you have? Is it enough just to tell my friends how much they mean to me?

It's important to tell your friends that they mean a good deal to you, but it's a fact of life that people--and friendships--change and that much of this change has to do with lifestyle changes: proximity, time, and job interests all impact friendships.

Take stock of the free time you have. Do you have weekends off? Lunchtime free? Monday evenings? Then schedule dates with those friends you really want to keep for those times, but make it a point to do so regularly.

Meanwhile, you may just find yourself making new friends who are in much the same situation through work or school.
Best Regards,


From what I've observed and been told, law school is an intense experience that leaves little time for other things. In addition, you are working in a law firm. Sounds like your plate is full.
Sometimes we have to put our personal lives aside for a while in order to achieve a goal.
Your schedule and work load are intense. It is hard for people who have never experienced this kind of work load to know how hard it is to get off the treadmill.

You can tell your friends how much they mean to you, send little e-mail messages and cards to let them know you are thinking of them and hope they understand.

You can also look for new friends who are in the same work/school situation as you. They will be more understanding. As our lives change, our friends often do too. It is part of life's passages.

True friends, who like and love you for who you are, will always be your friend. These are rare in one's life. I've had a couple of friends for over 45 years. In that time, I've also had lots of acquaintances. Now that I have retired, I have made two new very close friends. It takes time and effort. When I was working full time at a hectic 18-hour job, the only people I ever saw were co-workers. That's just the way life is sometimes.

Be good to yourself and don't try to do everything at once.

Best Regards,

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Here's my day:

Oops... Accidentally mis-set my alarm this morning when I woke up at 5:50am (as usual) to workout. I decided to skip the workout and sleep till 6:30... I set the alarm as p.m. Oops... Woke up at 8am, when I should have been at work at 7:30. Doah! Fortunately everyone at work is super cool and as long as I make up the time, everything is hunky-dory. So I worked on the same project I have been working on for the last week and a half, finally getting through all the rules of all the states I was doing. Wow... That was a lot of material. Now to writing my flipping memo. Fortunately, the persuasive arguments are pretty easy, I just have to fit them together over the next few days.

Went to lunch with Mac. Normally I pack a lunch in the morning, but today I obviously wasnt about to take the time. But it was good to spend even just a half hour with her. She has a lot going on right now emotionally. I just want to steady her. Its gonna be cool. Be cool. Anyway, great salad and good to see her.

After that I had "Writ Duty" where we take paperwork and run it all over the government center area (really like a four square block area where things need to go). It was nice, and a welcome break from my project.

I stayed at work till 5pm to make up for my tardiness (and I'll stay late tomorrow too. yuck... I usually am out of there by 4pm) and then walked home and worked out. The walk is something I try and do everyday. Mostly cause I like checking out the guys along Nicolett, but also cause its beautiful out and it feels good to be out of the office.

After the workout, I went upstairs and started cooking the pork loin I had been marinating since yesterday. It was a little overgingered and I had to play with the cooking time/style but it ended up being cooked perfectly, so my instincts are really starting to kick in. I have got the cooking bug major again, and in the last three days have really tried four different recipes (one for marsala sucked, but for the most part they are kicking butt). The homemade cookies I brought into the office on Friday have earned my quite the reputation, and people are still talking to me about them. Fun.

After dinner I went back to my desk to work on this book I am editing for my old Prof. It is long, rather tedious work, but I suppose that if nothing else I am learning my Professional Responsibility lessons, which may make the class easier next year. I have a little stopwatch that I keep track of my time (rather meticulously) that I am putting into the editing. I just finished with the first, and largest, of the chapters tonight, so that feels really good. The other two are supposed to be due at the end of the week. We'll see how that goes. I'll do another hard night at it tomorrow, then Thurs and Friday are play days and then Saturday I should be able to plow through the rest before going to Anthony and Dan's wedding shower.

Maintaining a balance of work/social/play has been a bit of a challenge, but I am doing okay. Mostly my friends are not used to me not being able to go out till 1am and getting to class the next day. Not till now did I realize how nice school really is: even if I have a 9am, its only for an hour, then I get to go back to sleep.

Okay, sleep now!

Saturday, June 10, 2006

The things we teach the world

I just finished reading Newsweek's latest coverpiece on the alleged massacre in Haditha. God this war sucks. It sucks to be those soldiers, it sucks that they lost control (allegedly) and it sucks that we are there in the first place. And we struggle to be the force in the world that plays by the "better" rules. Its okay for the insurgency to place IEDs all over the place as we attempt to create peace, and for them to bomb their own civilians, but we may not. Its a hard thing to grasp, but I think it is important to understand the advantage of our position in the world, and that we a civilized and moral society.

On that note, I am having trouble with the assassination of Zarqawi this last week. I know that this guy was a big al-Queda ringleader, and that he needed to be stopped. There is no doubt that he has been responsible for taking more lives than anyone other than Saddam Hussein himself. However, the assassination just seems wrong. And further wrong for us to celebrate it. He was a bad man, fighting for a bad cause, but it is only a reminder of the twisted and sad world we live in, not something to give high-fives over on FoxNews.

We are in Iraq trying to spread democracy and freedom and justice and peace. Shouldnt we pretend to hold those values ourselves? Where was the "due process" here? How are we supposed to tell Iraqis that it is not okay to chop off the hands of thieves or beat their women if they dress improperly when we bomb the shit out of somebody who presented a problem for us without any sort of systemic way to make sure that WE ourselves are not the unjust ones, imposing an unjust rule...

I know that the Hussein trial has simply been a circus. But that is because it is run by the international community. If we knew enough to bomb Zarqawi, we probably could have sent in a force to capture him. If he fought back (which we know he would have), then I have no problem with his body becoming riddled with machine gun fire, just as with anyone who opens fire on our police force here in the U.S. But suppose, just suppose, that we captured him alive. We could turn him in to the Iraqis and let them serve justice on him as they wish. We have enough foreign pressure in Iraq that we could have assured that he not be treated lightly, but it would have been an incredible act of good faith to show that we are confident enough in the new government to let it deal with its own traitors in a judicious manner.

Mob Internet Justice. I love it

Whoever said that possession is 9/10ths of the law had something to learn from this situation. I never liked that rule. This guy is taking the remaining 1/10th and getting back what he deserves. Really interesting integration of property, criminal, juvenile, and communications law.

Check out the forum on legal issues if you get a chance.

Friday, June 09, 2006

Nobody Knows Im Gay...

Its rather interesting. Right now I am in this office, and feeling very comfortable with the people around me learning to like me for who I am and for the work I do and the cookies I brought into the office today (yes Im serious). But I have yet to “come out” to anyone here yet. It is not an awkward thing, in fact quite the opposite. Everyone here uses gender-neutral language for the most part (partner, significant other etc.) and our managing attorney is promoting Pride events later this month. I have no doubt that if I told people I was gay that they would accept me, but I largely feel that there is no reason I need to tell them.

While the other clerks that work around me are a good group and we are slowly starting to get to know things about each other, I would prefer that they get to know my style, devoted work ethic and sense of humor before they know who I date. It just shouldn’t be an issue in a workplace like ours, and it isn’t. Which is wonderful.

So now that I have written all of that, it is almost harder to answer the next question: when do I come out to these people as I get to know them? There are often scenarios when I come out to prove a point or to rectify some behavior I find offensive or something. Now that I don’t “need” to come out, it is a question of when I “want” to… Not something that I am often presented with. I may end up saying something at Happy Hour tonight to a few of them, then again, maybe not. Its kinda nice though that it is completely my call.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Who's got a case of the Mondays?


Sitting at my desk, truly trying to pretend I am doing work. Oh, to be a government employee... Its not that I havent been getting stuff done, I am just not used to having this down-time to my day. Right now the research that I have to do requires that I go to another building, but I have to meet with a lawyer I am working for before I do anything else, and he isnt available, so here I sit.

Went out last night to celebrate a wonderful friend's birthday. I love that group of people. I dont write that just cause I know they read this, but rather because I am truly so lucky that I fell in with people that I feel so welcome and comfortable around.

(The lawyer I just wrote a 13 page motion for just pulled me aside. He thought my work was really good, especially for the first week. He thought my arguments were very well laid out and well crafted. "B-" in Lawyering Skills my butt. Booyah!)

So yeah... Life is good. I'm kinda counting down the time today to get out of hear, a feeling that I am sure many of my other office-bound friends can relate to. Good day so far though.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

This is why I dont buy organic...

Well... Havent written in a bit. Ive been busy either doing nothing (pre-job) or busy being really really busy (post-job). The grades for this last semester are coming out, and so far they are a bit lower than I hoped, but right where I expected. If that makes any sense. I just need to wait till the other half of the grades post, cause those were the classes I felt decent about. Whatever, I passed.

And moving on, I have started my job clerking for the Public Defender's office. The more I learn about the place, the more I love it. I went out drinking with a few of the clerks last night and a very shot-happy lawyer in the office who I am working for. We had a blast. They were all very fun, very open-minded, very effusive people. I feel really good about this job and really good about the work I will be doing. After a couple days of very... comprehensive orientation meetings, we now have our days to ourselves to get our work done. I was one of the few that got three assignments at the get go, one due yesterday, another due Monday. These are really fast deadlines (most clerks havent had anything due yet). But I loved it, got them both done, and they look good. Next up is a big assignment from the big boss (the Chief). That should keep me busy all of next week.

But for the first time in my life, I have a desk that is mine, a phone that is mine, a government email, security passes to government buildings... there's a certain sense of importance that goes with those things. I also have to get up in the morning at about 6 to get to work on time. The office atmosphere is great: I can take lunch when I want, wander out of the building for whatever reason (as long as I sign out), wear what I want (for the most part) ... And my bosses are freakin cool so far. It's an extremely supportive atmosphere.

The other cool thing is that Ive been told pretty verbatim how secure my future is if I like what I am doing. I can continue in the fall (and then get to go to a fun weekend conference!) I will automatically get a spot for the next summer, and then pretty assuredly get offered a spot as a lawyer when I graduate. Hmmm... interesting to have that in front of me. And wonderful enough: none of it is dependent on grades!

Other than that, I am just getting into the routine of work, waiting for that first pay check, and trying to get through the book I am editing for my Professor.

Oh, and before I forget, I was very proud of myself for walking over to the organic grocery store that is nearby to buy food, as I was totally out. Not something I will do again I think... I realized how much I love crappy food, with pesticides and poor social policies. They had almost nothing I really needed, and what they had was uber-expensive (because of the quality, yada yada yada). Then I got home and tried to cook up some corn, and 2/3 of it had little catapillars on it. Ewww! This is why I like pesticides: it kills the pests, so I dont have to see them. Enough of that.