Friday, June 30, 2006

Woke up and no one loved me...

Talk about wakin up on the wrong side of the bed.

Im in a relatively bad mood. It's about 8:30 at night on Friday, and I can count at least 5 people who were supposed to call me to get together. Yuck. Nebraska is officially giving me the "no call break-up." Yuck. Im pretty sure my sister and I are in one of those default force-of-will contests over who will call first (because calling first is, of course, an admission of error). Yuck.

Tonight is not one of those Fridays that I have mentally prepared myself to stay in. To be honest, I anticipated a good happy hour with a diverse group of friends, meeting up with Nebraska and getting laid by this point. Guess not.

As for the "break-up," believe me that it is the last thing I am going to shed tears over, but it is certainly inconvenient. I could have spent the last week working on other hook-up options. Shit! I might not get laid this weekend! THAT pisses me off. It has been a very long time since I have gotten the blow-off from a guy, so I suppose that turn-about is fair play and all. Still leaves me questioning why he was all coupley last weekend (Pride=the hook-up highlight of the year) and then all of a sudden lost interest. I fear that he may have finally caught on to some of my more callous statements last weekend (see blog entry), but I dont think thats the case as he didnt even seem to wince at the time. Whatever. Next!

As for my sister, well, thats just a family trait. But now with my Dad in China till Sunday, and her apparently not wanting to talk to me... Feeling kinda alone at the moment. Oh sad.

Time to drink till I cant feel feelings.

1 comment:

Billie said...

People here miss you, you know.