Friday, November 11, 2005

from my friend's blog

I believe in God, Creator of an unfinished world Who does not decree an eternal plan of development in which we cannot participate.

I believe in God, Who has not divided people into the poor and rich, specialists and ignorant, owners and slaves.

I believe in Jesus Christ, Who saw the world situation and Who took a stand in it.Taking Him as my example, I see the precaution with which we must organize, the extent to which our intelligence is atrophied, our imagination impoverished, and our efforts neutralized.

Each day I fear that He may have died in vain because we do not live as He lived, because we betray His message.

I believe in Jesus Christ, Who rises for our life so that we may be liberated from the prejudices and presumptions of fear and hate, so that we may transform the world into the Kingdom of God.

I believe in the Spirit Who came with Jesus into the world.I believe in the community of all peoples. And in our responsibility for making of our world a place of misery, hunger and violence or the City of God.

I believe that it is possible to build a just peace.

I believe that a life full of meaning is possible for all and in the future if this world of God. AMEN.

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