Wednesday, October 19, 2005

back in Milwaukee

Just spent the day doing service with Justine and her coworkers from CreditSuisse. It was actually kind of nice, a good way to take my mind off of anything important. Started by tarring the roof of the rectory, then covering old windows… Just generally fix-it stuff. Now I am in Milwaukee, and trying to make sure I can salvage a friendship between (Mitchell) and I. Do I wish that by some miracle we could renew the relationship? Yes, absolutely. But I just got here to find that he had gone to go hear Dan Savage speak without so much as telling me. That’s kind of a big “fuck you,” you know? I am going to just chill, I really have learned not to be disappointed by him. Just one more example why this cant work. Gives me a chance just to chill for the moment though. That feels nice.

(ten minutes later)

(Charley) just got back… (Mitchell) is now going to coffee with a couple of people… How perturbed should I be? Jesus… How could I ever have thought this would work?

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