Saturday, October 01, 2005

Peace at last

Well, I made it through the week.

I had a few friends over yesterday for "lunch" while the roommate moved out. It went quite smoothly realy, even though you could feel the resentment in the air. It sucks to have shit come crashing down around you, and it sucks even worse to know that it is your fault. I am sure it could not have been a pleasant moment for him. But he even cleaned a bit. I really hope that this kid can get his shit together.

There was a certain point where I was asking my father if I was being too hard on him, and he said that not only did I need to protect myself, but doing anything other than this would simply be enabling the roommate for future mis-behavior.

I called (Mitchell) last night and got his voicemail. Right or wrong, the first thing that went through my head was, "He's probably doing what he was last Friday night... screwing around with someone else." Hmmmm... This is going to take a bit more time on my part. I dont think that it helps that our phone conversations feel colder than usual... But I think this last weekend hurt us both and it is just going to take a bit to work through it. I think this trip home in a few weeks will be very telling.

In any case, my apartment is clean, my life is back to a semblance of normality, I have had some interest in the apartment already, and now I just get to focus on midterms. Wish me luck!

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