Saturday, April 09, 2005

best cab driver ever!

That's just one of those tings that can make your night at the end of a shift. The guy got me to my place faster than any other driver I have had, and he was super-friendly. Not in the annoying, post-barclose in your face way, but just in the relaxed nice way. I always pay the same amount for a cab, $8, whether they far is $7.50 or in the case of last night $5.50. I figure they earn that tip. Anyway, after that I watched a couple episodes of the Inferno challenge, and I was a happy camper. I love working with Brian and Jared: that would be my ideal shift forever. The tips were shitty last night, but I still had fun. Oh, and my new internet friend didnt show up at the bar last night. Little dissapointed. What's with that?

Tonight is the Sorority formal. I am going with Liz McDonald. It started as a joke about me becoming the "Sorority Sweetheart." It is going to be a blast. I am sitting at a table with Dave Lindesmith and Ryan McCullough. (I also have to tolerate J.R.... but I can deal). Actually funny enough, the whole "Sweetheart" thing totally isnt that important, or even important at all. But I heard a couple days ago that this guy is actually campaigning for it. What a duche. Now I have to bring my A-game, just cause I dont want to be beat by HIM. The guy is a walking ego... I have long said that I dont like anyone with a larger ego than mine. Well, his FAR surpases mine. Whatever.

Yesterday I did indeed get my nap in, before I lost to the slaughterhouse of the Spelling Bee. It was quite fun actually, but i couldnt spell Kalidescope for the life of me. In fact, i am not sure i am spelling it correctly now. I was there to support Justine, so it was worth it. The event went fabulously, so I am proud of her.

Caught up with Carey real quick while I was eating lunch. Theo was group presentations, and the Prof loves me because I am always very engaged (read: I dont want to take the final, so I am being good). Spanish class let out early, very good workout after that. Still working on the speech... Should get a draft out to Will today.

Okay, off to brunch with Angela. Fun stuff.

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