Friday, April 08, 2005

lists of three, juxtapositions, modest aliteration

Yep. I spent some time last night writing my speech for the selection on Tuesday. I know that it is going to go through about 4 drafts before I actually present it, but its a start. Part of my issue is that I feel that I am already pushing 5 minutes. While I was writing it last night, Nikki knocked on the door and invited me over. There were some fun people, and I enjoyed myself. I totally meant to NOT do that last night. And I was drinking cheap chardonney. My head feels GREaaatt right about now. There was this totally cute freshman there... He was WAY too friendly too. I swear, if I was a different person, I would totally have loved to... show him the wisdom of my experience. I have never understood how guys can do that. If I were to have made a move, for instance while we were alone in my bedroom, what would it have looked like? And if he rejected my advances, what would that do to my reputation on campus? Whatever... This campus. All look, no touch. Makes me glad to get back to my gay ghetto. Although I still hate gay people.

I am picking up all of Drew's shifts next week, so that means a bit of extra money. That should be nice. Granted, Sunday happy hours are usually pathetic, but sometimes they turn out well. I'll gamble on that.

Today is actually pretty busy: one paper for each class, work out, attend an extra class on the ethics of porn, spelling bee, and then work tonight. Anyone want to bet if I can get a nap in there somewhere? Oh, and I still have the dishes and laundry I started yesterday... Who knew that being a sloth took so much time?

I got another call from Black Tim last night. That poor guy. I feel bad, but what would I do with a 19 year old over the summer. I'm sorry to sound like such an alcoholic, but if you can't got to the bars with me, there really isnt a place for you in my life right now. It is just my social scene. Whatever.

sass-- Informal n. Impertinent, dissrespectful speech; back talk

rhapsodize-- intr. To express oneself in an immoderately enthusiastic manner. --tr. To recite (something) in the manner of a rhapsody.

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