Sunday, April 03, 2005

work work work

yesterday at work kicked ass!

I had to open 15 minutes early because Bill and Dee brought some guys (about 10) over from an event. It was a little bit hectic, which always takes an attitude adjustment on my part, but Bill helped me to finish opening which was very nice. The shift moved quickly and I had some really fun people hanging around, including this guy Andy, who is this giant ox of a man, all muscle. Andy had been all over me on Friday, and here he was again. Kinda the type of guy that you want to just take you in the back room and... anyway... I behaved... I don't quite know why, but I behaved. Anyway, I didnt have a single down minute the entire shift, which is okay by me, cause that means more money all around.

By the time I was done, I kinda wanted to stick around, but it was Christina Mahady's birthday party, and I was already dreadfully late. I showed up with a bottle of cosmo mix that Bill had given me and we just chilled out for a couple of hours. I love Christina and Nora... Those girls are very fun to hang out with. And I have found a fast friend in Natalie, who I found out is going to be here this summer. I think that she and I will probably be hanging out a bit. (although I do think she is a tad clingy friend-wise... not in a bad way, just very dedicated, and I am one of those people who doesnt attach to friends that quickly... oh well... she's cool)

Anyway, I need to shower before I go to brunch now... I can write this off as research for my class. Yeah!

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